There is a lot of fear going around about the radiation leaks from the nuclear reactors in Japan. The radiation is reputedly heading towards our area in the Pacific Northwest, so it is wise to take some precautionary measures in terms of radiation detoxification.The most common request we are currently receiving at Rainbow is for Potassium Iodide as a radiation detoxifier. We do carry this item, but we are sold out until Thursday, March 17th. For those of you interested in taking this remedy, please note that there are some extreme side effects, ranging from rashes to fever, nausea and vomiting to general weakness, diarrhea and black tarry stools to swelling in the neck and throat. The main cautionary word here is moderation. Introduce this remedy slowly, and watch to see how it affects you. If you develop any adverse reactions, stop taking the remedy, and try something else. There are many other remedies for radiation exposure that lack these unpleasant side effects. Here are a few suggestions:
Seaweed and seaweed extracts are extremely high in iodine, particularly the digitata kelp, harvested in Iceland, Maine or Northeastern Canada. In addition to being rich in iodine, seaweeds are good detoxifiers in general, and help to keep things flowing through and out of the body.
Both Panax Ginseng, also known as red or Korean ginseng, and Eleuthro, also known as Siberian Ginseng have been effectively used to treat radiation poisoning. They have the added benefits of revitalizing & energizing the system.
All microgreens, including chlorella, blue-green algae, spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass and alfalfa are high in chlorophyll, which helps to eliminate both radiation & heavy metals from the body. In addition, they are excellent sources of vitamins, protein & minerals. These are available both singly and in blends. They can be mixed into water, juice or smoothies. Some are also available in capsule or tablet form.
For those interested in more alternative remedies, Flower Essence Services designed a remedy specifically for survivors of Chernobyl. This remedy, called Yarrow Environmental Solution, is designed to protect and cleanse the body’s energetic field of radiation as well as noxious environmental & geopathic stress. As per the adage, “as above, so below,” if the etheric body is clean, the physical body will follow suit.
Other helpful radiation detoxifiers are bentonite and other clays, which can be taken internally to help draw out even severely lodged toxins from the digestive tract. Pectin and lecithin are also helpful.
All of these supplements are available at Rainbow. You can also pick up some high quality, non-pasteurized miso from your local co-op to help in the detoxification process. Add some seaweed to your miso soup for a detoxifying yet nourishing meal.
In terms of health, it is also important to look at the emotional and mental state of a person. Acknowledge but do not give into your fear. It may be helpful to have the perspective that although this is scary, people in Japan are at far more risk than us. Take a moment to quiet your fears, and send some good thoughts their way, that we may all experience ease, safety, peace and good health.
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