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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Herb of the week: Rose Petals!!

 Used prolifically in beauty care for its lovely aroma and astringent properties... added to baths, facial steams and rinses, and in body care products, it is cooling and toning and eases sore muscles. Internally it can be added to tea for a fresh floral flavor and is excellent for breaking up congestion, regulating menstrual cycles, calming anxiety, depression, and anger. Can also be helpful in easing diarrhea, bleeding, and erectile dysfunction. The flower essence is helpful in dispelling sexual shame and opens the heart to sexual acceptance. Rose oil is also commonly used and is often found in perfumes and body care and is extracted through either distillation, solvent, or CO2 methods. The CO2 method is the most pure, while distillation is less expensive and yields rosewater used in cooking and as a facial toner.


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